Military Appreciation Day
On August 30th, we had the opportunity to sponsor an amazing event! The Association of the United States Army (Lacey Sub-Chapter of the Captain Meriwether Lewis Chapter of AUSA) held a Military Appreciation Day in Lacey, at the Regional Athletic Center. Welcome Home was a sponsor. We got to have a booth at the event where we played games all day with military members, their spouses, children and friends. What an honor! Our game was so busy we didn't even have time to take any pictures! Who knew so many people wanted the opportunity to throw ducks into baskets?! At the end of the day, the AUSA volunteers gave an adorable certificate of appreciation to all of the vendor sponsors.

As wonderful as it was, I think more appreciation should go to the volunteers from AUSA that put on the event. They worked hard to prep, plan and run this event. You know who you are.
ABOVE ALL, appreciation should go out to the soldiers present at this event, as well as those who were not. For those who were there, I hope you had fun, walked away with a smile and some really cool candy and free stuff. It's such a small thank you for all that you and your families do. For those who couldn't be there, for any reason, THANK YOU. Words are never enough.